So I ask.
Why is it that with over 7 billion people on this earth, living in such varied degrees of temperatures, year after year, generation after generation, from the hottest countries in Africa to the coldest nations bordering the Arctic circle, why is it that all 7 billion, that's every one of them mind you, has a body temperature of about 98.6 degrees. [Granted a variation of 1 degree F is possible] Why is it that evolution has not kicked in to raise or lower the body temperatures of these varied nations. Why is it that someone with 3 or 4 degrees rise in temperature is viewed as sick and not looked at as a start of a beneficial evolutionary change.
Sure, evolution has worked to control the body temperature and maintained the balance with heat production mechanisms and heat loss mechanisms to keep a constant body temperature.
Why go to all that work? Why not just change to core temperature? And would you not think out of 7000 million people there were a few who were taking off toward a higher or lower body temperature?
And why not shift the positions of the kidneys and lungs etc in the body? Surely they must have had a wild ride to get where they are. Why stop now? Certainly out of 7000 million people there would be some who would be showing movement of organs, finding a better spot. A definite evolutionary improvement. Or has man reached perfection and evolution has gone on to other challenges?